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Date : August 28, 2018
Any Progress on Nonproliferation Efforts?
   https://youtu.be/EvClBlbIaCA [2023]

U.S.-North Korea Relations: Any Progress on Nonproliferation Efforts?

Mike Mullen and Victor Cha discuss the status of U.S.-North Korea relations, nuclear security, and non-proliferation one and a half year's after the task force report was released. 

For further reading, please see the CFR Backgrounders North Koreas Military Capabilities and What to Know About the Sanctions on North Korea, and the CFR Task Force report page.


Victor D. Cha

Senior Advisor and Korea Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies; D.S. Song-KF Chair in International Affairs, Georgetown University; Member, Task Force

Mike G. Mullen

President and Chief Executive Officer, MGM Consulting LLC; Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Task Force Co-Chair


Ellen Laipson

Director, International Security Program, Schar School of Government and Public Policy, George Mason University

[Source: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)]

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