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Date : May 9, 2018
Spring Summitry on the Korean Peninsula:
   https://youtu.be/k9-E82Stv-Y [1830]

Center for Strategic & International Studies

Spring Summitry on the Korean Peninsula: Peace Breaking Out or Last Gasp Diplomacy?

Monday, May 7, 2018 8:30 am - 11:30 am
CSIS Headquarters
Please join CSIS Korea Chair experts and special guests to assess the results of the April 27, 2018 inter-Korean summit and its implications for the U.S.-North Korea summit in May.


Dr. John Hamre, President and CEO, CSIS
Ambassador Cho, Yoon-je, Republic of Korea Ambassador to the United States

9:20 AM | SESSION I: Assessment of Inter-Korean Summit
Ms. Kang, Insun, Washington D.C. Bureau Chief, Chosun Ilbo 
Dr. Bridget Coggins, Adjunct Fellow, CSIS Korea Chair; Associate Professor of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara 
Dr. Katrin Katz, Adjunct Fellow, CSIS Korea Chair; Former Director for Japan, Korea, and Oceanic Affairs, National Security Council (2007-2008)
Ambassador Robert King, Senior Adviser, CSIS Korea Chair; Former Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues, U.S. Department of State 
Ambassador Joseph Yun, Former Special Representative for North Korea Policy and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Korea and Japan, U.S. Department of State

10:25 AM | SESSION II: Implications for U.S.-DPRK Summit
Mr. Mark Landler, White House Correspondent, The New York Times
Dr. Victor Cha, Senior Adviser and Korea Chair, CSIS; D.S. Song-KF Professor of Government, Georgetown University 
Dr. Michael Green, Senior Vice President for Asia and CSIS Japan Chair; Director, Asian Studies Program, Georgetown University
Dr. Sheena Greitens, Adjunct Fellow, CSIS Korea Chair; Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Missouri 
Ambassador Mark Lippert, Vice President, Boeing International; Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea
Dr. Sue Mi Terry, Senior Fellow, CSIS Korea Chair; Former Director for Japan, Korea, and Oceanic Affairs, National Security Council (2008-2009); Former Senior Analyst on Korean Issues, Central Intelligence Agency

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