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Date : November 20, 2019
Building a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula (Part 2)
   https://youtu.be/FwXNqbjeulk [1900]

Building a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula (Part 2)

The U.S. and South Korean dialogues with the North raise the important issue of what a long-term process of building a peace regime would look like and what the implications might be for the U.S.-ROK alliance. Up for debate is the fate of U.S. troops in South Korea and other security and diplomatic arrangements that have come to be taken for granted over the past 70+ years. It is hard to overstate the importance of these arrangements: They have underpinned the political and economic development of South Korea into one of the freest and most prosperous states in the world even while keeping that state in nuclear and military peril from the North. -

[Source: Center for Strategic & International Studies]

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