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Date : October 16, 2019
JoongAng Ilbo-CSIS Forum 2019
   https://youtu.be/fTREUn78vjM [1723]

JoongAng Ilbo-CSIS Forum 2019

2019 witnessed the restart of diplomacy between the United States and North Korea after the failed summit in Hanoi, Vietnam. The process of building peace on the Korean peninsula remains a paramount goal of all parties, and the price of unsuccessful diplomacy is a burgeoning nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program. Can another run at diplomacy be successful when past ones have failed? How can parties link up a peace building process on the peninsula with a denuclearization agenda?  
The ninth annual Joongang Ilbo-CSIS Forum will bring together renowned scholars, experts, and officials to answer these and other questions when they converge at CSIS headquarters in Washington DC on September 29-30, 2019.
Of key interest will be how to address not just the short-term tactical questions about diplomacy, but also how to embed these questions in broader geostrategy in Asia. This necessitates an equally important subset of questions. How do we think about the North Korean issue in the context of broader East Asian stability? To what extent does peer competition between the United States and China impact the Korean peninsula? What are the prospects of trilateral coordination among the allies in Asia? And is there a strategy for peace building and denuclearization that fits with broader U.S. and South Korean geostrategic objectives in Asia?  
Panels on peace and denuclearization, seeking solutions to the Korea-Japan conflict, and U.S.-China relations will be the setting in which these and other questions will be discussed and debated.

[Source: CSIS]

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