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Date : April 23, 2019
The China-Russia-NK Triangle after Kim Jong-un's Turn to Diplomacy
   https://youtu.be/pKWu9ShUKdc [2521]

The China-Russia-North Korea Triangle after Kim Jong-un's Turn to Diplomacy | March 27, 2019

KEI sponsored three panels at the 2019 International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, Canada. This video is for the panel "The China-Russia-North Korea Triangle after Kim Jong-un's Turn to Diplomacy" held on March 27, 2019.

The presentations provided by the panelists will be published in the 2019 edition of the Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, which is produced annually by KEI. Prior versions can be seen in this link. http://keia.org/page/joint-us-korea-a...

Robert Sutter, George Washington University
Stephen Blank, American Foreign Policy Council
Brian Carlson, RAND Corporation
James Brown, Temple University, Japan Campus
Gaye Christoffersen, Hopkins-Nanjing Center, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University

Gil Rozman, Princeton University

[Source: Korea Economic Institute]

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