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Date : March 20, 2019
North Korea's Logistics Revolution
   https://youtu.be/1UI65ZMiS5g [1919]

North Korea's Logistics Revolution 

Since Kim Jong-un came to power in late 2011, North Korea has been experiencing a logistics revolution in mobile telecommunications and commercial transportation. The interplay between the two is helping to empower unofficial markets in North Korea as merchants are increasingly relying on cell phones for real-time prices and new private shipping and delivery methods. It is also greatly increasing the mobility of people, goods, and information to levels never before seen in the country. 
Please join KEI and HRNK for a presentation by Yonho Kim on how these technological advancements are changing the lives of the average North Korean citizen and a discussion of the possible implications.

A presentation by

Yonho Kim
Non-resident Fellow 
Korea Economic Institute of America

Moderated by

Greg Scarlatoiu
Executive Director
The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK)

With discussant

George Hutchinson
Member of the Board of Directors,
International Council of Korean Studies
Editor, International Journal of Korean Studies

[Source: KEI]

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