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Date : May 4, 2020
Prices keep rising in Pyongyang
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/pyongyangites-continue-hoard-prices-ke [1327]
Pyongyangites continue to hoard as prices keep rising

Pyongyang residents have been hoarding various imported products, which has led to spikes in the prices of imported food items and even the closure of some of the citys stores due to lack of stock. 

In Pyongyang, 100 grams of imported pepper costs accordingly KPW 40,000, 450 to 500 grams of MSG costs KPW 48,000, and there is no sugar in markets. 

The prices of imported food items nearly doubled after Apr. 17, when the North Korean authorities announced restrictions on imported goods. The cost of imported pepper was just KPW 8,000 per 100 grams before the announcement but doubled to KPW 16,000 after the decision was released. Now, the price has reportedly risen to KPW 40,000.

In addition to that, it is reported that the price of watch batteries and other small batteries for common household appliances like remote controllers for TVs have tripled or quadrupled. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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