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Date : March 31, 2020
NK National Defense University suffers contaminated water-related outbreak
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/national-defense-university-suffers-co [1107]
N. Koreas National Defense University suffers contaminated water-related outbreak

A large number of students and faculty at North Koreas prestigious Kim Jong Un National Defense University recently began suffering from stomach pain caused by contaminated water, Daily NK has learned. 

On Mar. 22, about 20 students at the Kim Jong Un National Defense University collapsed after complaining of stomach pains. The students had been drinking tap water that hadnt been boiled beforehand, a source in the country told Daily NK on Mar. 25. 

Another 50 people began suffering from similar symptoms the next day, including students, members of the schools faculty, and even local residents living near the university, he added. 

Those suffering from symptoms have been treated at three different hospitals, including the military hospital within the university, a hospital in the Ryongsong District of Pyongyang, and the hospital attached to the Academy of National Defense Science, Daily NK sources confirmed. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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