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Date : March 30, 2020
NK restaurants in China are reopening
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/sources-n-korean-restaurants-china-slo [717]
N. Korean restaurants in China are slowly reopening

North Korean restaurants in China that had been shut down as a consequence of COVID-19 are now being reopened, Daily NK has learned. 

Daily NK sources in China have reported that with the spread of COVID-19 showing signs of slowing down in China, North Korean authorities have issued an order to its overseas laborers to return to work.

On Mar. 19, the North Korean authorities ordered restaurants to open up again, one China-based source told Daily NK on Mar. 26. They also said that the workers no longer had to self-quarantine. 

Several restaurants have now reopened and others are preparing to do the same, he added. 


The only restaurant currently open in Dandong is called Koryogwan, while the Pyongyang Koryo, the Ryu Gyong, Moran, and Songdowon restaurants are still preparing to open, Daily NK sources confirmed. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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