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Date : January 30, 2020
North Korea is dispatching workers back to China
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-dispatching-workers-back-c [1277]
North Korea is dispatching workers back to China

Many North Koreans working in China returned to their country at the end of last year in accordance with a UN-mandated repatriation order, but Daily NK sources in China recently reported that some of these workers are now returning to China. 

Although China did send back workers who might be in violation of the repatriation order, such as laborers or trading company employees, some of the very same workers are coming back into China, a China-based North Korea source told Daily NK on Jan. 23. 

That North Korea would actually withdraw all of its North Korean workers from China was basically a fantasy, added the source. 

For their part, Chinese companies are said to support the move because they prefer North Koreans with a few years work experience in China, including familiarity with the job. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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