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Date : October 30, 2019
NK dispatches 2,000 additional workers to China
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-dispatches-2000-workers-ch [1098]
North Korea dispatches 2,000 additional workers to China

At least 2,000 North Korean workers were recently dispatched to factories in China with non-work visas, Daily NK recently learned. 

A huge number of North Korean laborers were recently were sent to China, a China-based source told Daily NK in mid-October. They are now working at sewing factories and other places. 

The workers were sent to various parts of China, including the city of Hunchun in Jilin Province, the source said. 

All of the workers had never been to China before and entered the country with so-called visitor permits (river-crossing visas in North Korean parlance), rather than work visas, he added. 


Daily NK has long reported on North Korean workers entering China without proper work visas. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2397, which was implemented in 2017, banned North Koreans from receiving new work visas from all UN member countries and mandated that all North Korean workers abroad must return home by Dec. 22, 2019. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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