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Date : October 14, 2019
Pyongyangs rumor mill is worried about illicit Chinese soybean oil
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/pyongyang-rumor-mill-worried-illicit-c [1311]
Pyongyangs rumor mill is worried about illicit Chinese soybean oil

A rumor has recently been spreading among Pyongyangites that soybean oil from China is really illicit (recycled) cooking oil, Daily NK sources reported last Tuesday.

Soybean oil sold in North Korea is often from China, a Pyongyang-based source told Daily NK. The rumors are that soybean oil imported from China and used in Pyongyang is essentially repackaged waste oil. 

In China, there have been reports stretching back to 2000 where illicit cooking oil gleaned from waste oil collected at restaurants and even sewage drains were sold to consumers as cheap alternatives to regular cooking oils. 

Daily NK sources in China confirmed that a North Korean trading company recently tried to import recycled cooking oil. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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