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Date : October 8, 2019
NK government courier attacked by soldiers
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/government-courier-attacked-soldiers/ [1624]
North Korean government courier attacked by soldiers

A government courier relaying sensitive documents was attacked by six soldiers on the road from Pyongyang to Pyongsong in July, leading military authorities to take harsh measures against the perpetrators, Daily NK sources reported on Wednesday.  

The courier was affiliated with the 8th General Bureau of the Korean Peoples Internal Security Forces (KPISF) in Pyongyang. The KPISF is under the Ministry of Peoples Security (MPS), which functions as North Koreas national police agency, but is similar to a national guard and uses ranks similar to the Korean Peoples Army. 

The perpetrators were from a military unit near Pyongsong and evidently attacked the courier to steal money. 

The courier unsuccessfully fought back against the soldiers to prevent his documents and gun from being taken. During the struggle, the couriers front teeth were knocked out and he suffered injuries all over his body. After discovering the courier had no money, the soldiers destroyed the documents in his possession, Daily NK sources said. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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