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Date : August 28, 2019
Orphan at boarding school dies from exhaustion, malnutrition
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/orphan-at-north-korean-boarding-school [1310]
Orphan at North Korean boarding school dies from exhaustion, malnutrition

As part of North Korean leader Kim Jong Uns efforts to show his love for the people, the regime set about rebuilding boarding schools for orphans throughout the country in 2015. However, these institutions are now facing questions due to the death of an orphan at one of the facilities in Pyongsong.

The child reportedly died due to stress from excessive schoolwork, according to the North Korean authorities. Daily NK sources report, however, that the boarding school staff also failed to properly feed the children in their care and even stole their food to pay off the schools debts.

A student at Pyongsong Boarding School died after being forced to work too hard, a South Pyongan Province-based source told Daily NK.

The teachers were punishing several students for failing to make the grade in classes when several of them fainted from exhaustion. They were sent to a local hospital, but one died. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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