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Date : January 24, 2013
Defector Reports Young People Disgruntled with Leadership
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10258 [1290]
According to a report in the Daily NK, the failures of the leadership of Kim Jong Eun are causing disgruntlement in public opinion. A recent defector told the online newspaper that this is particularly noticeable amongst younger citizens.

The recent defector told the Daily NK that a large part of the disdain is because Kim Jong Eun seems more focused on replicating the actions of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il than producing changes that improve the lives of citizens.

The defector said that the youth are disappointed with the leadership. The missile launch in December provided some respite for the regime, but this has been quickly overtaken by hopelessness.

North Koreans are also turning to watch Chinese dramas rather South Korean dramas because watching Chinese dramas are less risky, the defector said.

Source: the Daily NK

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