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Date : January 11, 2013
Frozen Tumen River Leads to Increased Border Patrols
   http://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=10225 [1249]

North Hamkyung province, which makes up some of the Sino-North Korea border, is under virtual curfew, a Daily NK source has reported. The regime's security forces, which patrol the area more heavily at night every winter, have brought the increase in nighttime patrols forward due to the Tumen River freezing up earlier than normal.

Crossing the Tumen River is a common means of escape from North Korea. Each year, the river freezes up in winter time. The freezing up of the river leads to an annual increase in attempts to defect.

The source told the Daily NK that the security forces have stepped up their patrols and are questioning any passersby.

The increase in security forces in the region is likely to last until March, according to the source. The river usually starts to thaw out around then making escape a little more complicated.

The source added that locals are more wary of leaving their houses during the night at this time due to the patrols. The source said that citizens are apparently cautious about getting wrongfully charged with attempted defection.

Source: The Daily NK

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