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Date : April 12, 2022
New corrections policy set against anti-reactionary thought violators
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-orders-harsher-punishments [794]
New corrections policy set against anti-reactionary thought violators 

The Ministry of Social Securitys Correction Bureau recently accepted 4 new correction laws to be applied to prisoners that violated anti-reactionary thought law. 

Prisoners should 
1. Be kept separate from first-time offenders
2. Be kept under close watch
3. Be restricted from seeing family and friends (no visits for the first six months, and 1 visit per year) 
4. Be given the toughest forced labor assignments 

The Justice Department stressed that those prisoners have a different brain structure and called for prison officials to keep close track of what they are saying and thinking. 

[Source: Daily NK]

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