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Date : July 30, 2021
Still no signs of distributing food to ordinary people
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/still-no-signs-north-korea-distributin [740]
Still no signs of distributing food to ordinary people

A source in Yanggang Province told Daily NK on Tuesday that there has been no talk of food provisions since North Korean authorities sold locals five days worth of food at bargain prices earlier this month. Theres been no relevant orders from the leadership, either, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity. 

Previously, North Korean authorities had held lectures claiming the state would provide people with three months of rice from military stores at lower-than-market prices.

The lectures came after the authorities unveiled a special order from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during the Third Enlarged Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea in mid-June. 

Until early July, however, nothing had been done to implement this pledge. Then, on July 6, the authorities began distributing food, starting in Pyongyang. Generally speaking, families received five days worth of food at the time. ...... 

[Source: Daily NK]

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