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Date : June 30, 2021
Order to release military rice for general population
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-orders-release-military-ri [795]
North Korea orders the release of military rice stores to general population

Inminban (peoples units) in each district of Chongjin held meetings on June 23. During the meetings, inminban leader told participants about a special order by the Supreme Leader [Kim Jong Un] to release rice stored up for the military, a source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The order included a promise to supply North Koreans with food for a three month period until the end of September.

The directive further stated that each family will receive five days worth of food per week, which the specific amount calculated on the basis of how many adults and children are in each family. Workers will receive 700 grams a day, while their dependents will receive 300 grams a day. Children below school age will receive 300 grams per day.

However, the order clearly stated that the rice will not be provided for free. In short, North Korean authorities simply plan to supply rice to people more cheaply than what is available in local markets. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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