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Date : March 31, 2021
Students start new school semester on April 1 at home
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korean-students-start-new-school [534]
North Korean students to start new school semester on April 1 at home

With the spring semester starting on Apr. 1, North Korean authorities have decided to begin the new academic year without bringing children back to school, Daily NK has learned.

A source in the country told Daily NK yesterday that the education ministry handed down the order to provincial education departments on Mar. 26, and schools in each city and county received the order on Mar. 27.

According to the source, the order included four directives, including telling schools to conduct their curriculums as they have done thus far.

The education ministry order directed schools to continue having teachers visit students at their homes and to continue remote learning, including the use of USB-based learning materials.

North Korean authorities appear to have come to the conclusion that there will be difficulties in having students return to school given that the COVID-19 pandemic is still raging.

The education ministrys order included a directive telling education authorities to confirm that schools in Pyongyang and No. 1 Middle Schools throughout the country have enough notebook computers for the students. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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