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Date : February 8, 2021
Lectures on squashing anti-socialist acts
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korea-conducts-lectures-squashin [624]
North Korea conducts lectures on squashing anti-socialist acts

North Korean authorities are conducting public lectures on squashing anti-socialist and non-socialist acts as a follow-up measure to the Eighth Party Congress. Cadres from the provincial and city parties are visiting workplaces to give the lectures.

The lecturer first called on audiences to remember that non-socialist acts are frightening crimes that render cracks in our single-minded unity firmly bound to the party and disintegrate the socialist system, encouraging them to keep up the fight to squash these phenomena. 

The lecturer called on people to get their heads together and conduct a mass struggle to break the spirit of those who brazenly carry out non-socialist acts that violate the interests of the nation and its people so that they cannot lift their heads again. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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