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Date : January 4, 2021
Local trade official arrested for defying order
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Local trade official arrested for defying order to earn foreign currency

The Ministry of State Security has reportedly arrested a trade official who audaciously defied an order by North Korean authorities to earn foreign currency for the regime by any means necessary.

After the suspension of official trade this year due to the infectious disease (COVID-19), authorities ordered trade officials to acquire foreign currency, even domestically. However, one trade bureau official was recently arrested by the Ministry of State Security when he failed to meet the quota he was assigned. 

According to the source, North Korean authorities had dispatched trade bureau officials to the provinces after ordering them to use all means and methods to secure foreign currency. In early December, the authorities subjected the officials to a year-end review on how well they performed that task. That is, they saw the mission as part of the so-called 80-day battle ahead of the Eighth Party Congress, which is scheduled to take place in early January. 

This year, trade bureau officials came to the plains and fishing bases of Hwanghae Province and worked hard to carry out their task, said the source. However, during the review, one official came under scrutiny when, instead of showing remorse, he seemed uncaring of his failure to meet the foreign currency quota. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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