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Date : November 30, 2020
Economic difficulties lead to downsizing of end-of-year events
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/economic-difficulties-lead-downsizing- [1237]
Economic difficulties lead to downsizing of end-of-year events

North Koreas end-of-the-year annual evaluation meetings are being held with less fanfare this year, Daily NK has learned. 

In some counties [of Yangang Province], the annual events began on Nov. 10 among branches of the Socialist Womens Union of Korea, a Yanggang Province-based source told Daily NK on Nov. 16, speaking on condition of anonymity. Although the events are proceeding as usual, after-party meals are not being held and the overall atmosphere of the celebrations has changed.

According to her, there has been an increase in other local organizations finishing their events with meals where only a few people gather together. We havent seen such a [downsizing] in these events since before 2010, she noted. 

One of the reasons why these annual events have been scaled down is because the country has intensified its COVID-19 control measures – yet another sign that North Koreans are actively practicing social distancing. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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