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Date : September 23, 2020
Smuggler shot dead while crossing border
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korean-smuggler-shot-dead-while- [1373]
North Korean smuggler shot dead while crossing border

A North Korean smuggler in his 30s was recently shot dead by the North Korean border patrol in Taehongdan following an announcement earlier this month that anyone caught in designated strict security zones near the border will be shot on sight. 

The smuggler had conspired to smuggle blueberries across the border with a deputy squad commander (staff sergeant) from the Storm Corps, which was recently deployed to Taehongdan County. The smuggler reportedly carried 20 kilograms of blueberries in a sack across the border, but was discovered by a border patrol unit as he returned across the border and was fired upon. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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