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Date : August 30, 2020
Pyongyangites given rice reserved for the military
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/pyongyangites-given-rice-reserved-mili [1075]
Pyongyangites given rice reserved for the military amid food shortages

North Korean authorities have released military rice and other reserves to Pyongyang citizens. 

Pyongyang citizens had failed to receive any rations for three months, starting in March. The latest distribution covers the three months from April to July. However, citizens are still waiting to receive their supply for August.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un directly raised the issue of guaranteeing living stability for Pyongyang citizens at a politburo meeting of Workers Party in June. A plenary meeting of the Cabinet later adopted a resolution on providing a high-quality living environment, drinking water and vegetables to the people of Pyongyang. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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