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Date : August 5, 2020
Explosions in Hyesan kill nine, injure at least 30
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/explosions-hyesan-kill-nine-injure-at- [914]
Explosions in Hyesan kill nine, injure at least 30

Nine North Koreans died, and around 30 more were injured yesterday night in explosions caused by what appears to have been a gas leak at a house in Hyesan, Yanggang Province.

Gasoline stored in a house in the citys Tapsong District ignited at around 6:10 PM on the 3rd of August, which led to the explosion of a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder at the house. LPG cylinders attached to other houses nearby also exploded (around ten times), according to the source.

Six people immediately died in the explosions, while around another 30 people suffered from varying degrees of burns. They were taken to a provincial hospital for treatment, and another three people reportedly died at the hospital this morning.

The houses nearby where the first explosion occurred also caught on fire, noting that the fires were put out by residents. No fire trucks appeared to deal with the fires, which were reportedly put out one and a half hours after they had started.

[Source: Daily NK]

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