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Date : July 28, 2020
Central Committee letter of appeal targets gold smuggling on border
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/central-committee-letter-appeal-target [1040]
Central Committee letter of appeal targets gold smuggling on border

The letter of appeal of North Koreas Central Committee, which expressed the genuine feelings of North Koreas communist party, was sent to high-ranking officials, governmental and judicial agencies located in all provinces bordering China, and Rason Special City. The letter was also sent to border patrol units in those provinces. 

Unlike an official decree, the letter of appeal emphasizes ideology to encourage people to change their behavior. 
North Korean authorities have already issued several official decrees to officials in the border region that defined illegal acts, such as smuggling, as serious crimes that deserve harsh punishment. It appears, however, that these decrees have failed to make much of an impact. North Korean officials may believe that the letter of appeal could work where the official decrees did not. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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