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Date : May 25, 2020
Currency dealer sentenced to life in prison
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/hamhung-currency-broker-sentenced-life [2151]
Hamhung currency broker sentenced to life in prison

Earlier May, a woman in her 50s was arrested and put on public trial for selling dollars at the Songchon Riverbank in downtown Hamhung, South Hamgyong Province. In the region, a well-known currency seller has accumulated a lot of money through her currency exchange business. However, in mid-April, local police patrolling Sapo Market caught her clandestinely attempting to sell US dollars in exchange for North Korean currency.

The trial was announced that inminban leaders, along with Sapo Market merchants, were forced to watch it. Ultimately, she was sentenced to life in prison for conducting illegal currency exchanges, obstructing the police from doing their jobs, and treason – for threatening to set herself on fire in a house with portraits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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