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Date : May 25, 2020
NK workers in China not getting paid
   https://www.dailynk.com/english/some-north-korea-factory-workers-china [1472]
Some N. Korea factory workers in China are not getting paid

North Korean workers in China are not getting paid because their workplaces have shut down due to financial difficulties. 

Factories and businesses in Yanji, Hunchun, Tumen, and Kaishantun in Jilin Province, China, are struggling financially because of COVID-19, and some have even gone bankrupt.  For that reason, many North Korean workers have failed to receive their wages. 
A North Korean official in charge of workers in China said that a factory where 150 to 200 North Korean workers used to work shutdown recently. They asked Chinese traders to recommend other places the laborers could find work, but they said they would not be able to find a place for so many workers. ......

[Source: Daily NK]

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